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10 6 ;" " 5 ;"YOU ARE CORRECT": 5 ;"WRONG.TRY AGAIN": 4 ;x;". ";f$ 4 ;"PRESS ";: 4 ;" ": 4 2 PROCESSING 2 MACHINE CODE 2 A.C.L. 2 ;"A computer works through 4 basic stages in the course of any operation." 2 ;" When you 2 ;" PRESS 2 ;" ": 2 ;" ": 2 ;" ": 2 ;" " 2 ;" ": 2 ;" " 2 ;" " 2 " TO CONTINUE" 2 TO CONTINUE" 1 loading errors 1 kilobytesD 1 kilobytesA 1 a$=" Through the computer KEYBOARD." 1 a$=" Through the TELEVISION SCREEN." 1 a$=" Through the MEMORY CHIPS." 1 a$=" Through a chip in the computer called the CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT." 1 a$=" The results of processing will be displayed." 1 a$=" The computer acts upon this information according to the rules laid down in the program." 1 a$=" Relevant information may be recalled from memory,or information may be stored for future use." 1 a$=" Information is fed into the computer." 1 a$=" (ii)To store INFORMATION i.e.numbers that will be used in calculations, names and addresses, recipes etc.": 1 a$=" (i) To store INSTRUCTIONS, ie. The programs that tell the computer what to do and how to go about it": 1 a$=" 3. FOLLOW THE LOADING PROCEDURE IN THE MANUAL TO LOAD PROGRAM 3. " 1 a$=" 2. PLACE THE NEXT TAPE INTO THE CASSETTE RECORDER AND ENSURE THAT IT IS FULLY REWOUND." 1 a$=" 1. YOU HAVE COMPLETED THIS TAPE. " 1 SERIAL ACCESS 1 READ AND WRITE MEMORY 1 Memory is measured in ---------.N 1 MICROPROCESSOR 1 MEMORY CHIPS 1 Loading- Please Wait 1 INTERROGATE 1 INTERPRETER 1 EXERCISE 5 COMPLETED (CODE KR2) 1 EXERCISE 4 COMPLETED (CODE LW9) 1 EXERCISE 3 COMPLETED (CODE JF0) 1 EXERCISE 2 COMPLETED (CODE GH8) 1 EXERCISE 1 COMPLETED (CODE JG6) 1 BASIC INTERPRETER 1 ;"zxspectrum" 1 ;"is where the computer keeps the programs it is currently using and where any information required for,or produced,by the program is stored until the computer needs it." 1 ;"is used to store permanent programs that the CPU will need to use time and time again. For example the 1 ;"ccess "; 1 ;"are completely lost." 1 ;"andom "; 1 ;"and you can also add new contents to it." 1 ;"When we input 1 ;"We can relate these 4 stages to the standard components of a home computer system-" 1 ;"WE WILL NOW STUDY THESE COMPONENTS IN GREATER DETAIL." 1 ;"Volume A"; 1 ;"To work as a computer the C.P.U. needs a memory.": 1 ;"This was designed as an easy-to-learn language that allows beginners to obtain results with the minimum effort." 1 ;"This is the most commonly used device for communicating with the computer.": 1 ;"This is a 'low level' programming language": 1 ;"This has 2 purposes" 1 ;"These are-": 1 ;"These are-" 1 ;"Then the results which the C.P.U. produces in 1 ;"The two methods of 1 ;"The C.P.U. is the heart of the system where all the actual computing takes place." 1 ;"THE CENTRAL": 1 ;"So far we have only considered the computer's internal memory." 1 ;"S I N C L A I R": 1 ;"Program 2" 1 ;"PROCESSING ": 1 ;"PERMANENT";: 1 ;"Most home computer users program in a 'high level' language called";: 1 ;"KEYBOARD": 1 ;"It examines the instructions given to the computer and obeys them." 1 ;"In a home computer it is a single chip known as the 1 ;"If you wish to repeat this section before answering the questions which follow, press the key indicated for REPEAT, otherwise press SPACE to continue." 1 ;"INTERPRETER": 1 ;"Disks overcome the problems associated with tape-based storage systems.": 1 ;"Cassette is by far the cheaper of the two systems.": 1 ;"COMPUTER WORKS" 1 ;"C.P.U.'s use a language called 1 ;"Because of these different languages a device called the 1 ;"At the keyboard the user types in instructions in the form of commands,or responses to requests for information from the computer." 1 ;"Another factor for consideration is that if your cassette recorder is old,and the tape head is worn or dirty,this is likely to produce 1 ;"All other elements in the system are connected to it." 1 ;"Active Computer Learning" 1 ;"ACL-2 COMPLETED." 1 ;"A series of binary codes." 1 ;" memory. Its contents are fixed, usually during the manufacturing stage." 1 ;" can be better described as 1 ;" and ";: 1 ;" THE KEYBOARD ": 1 ;" RAM ";: 1 ;" MEMORY CHIPS ": 1 ;" EXTERNAL MEMORY ": 1 ;" EXERCISE 5 ": 1 ;" EXERCISE 4 ": 1 ;" EXERCISE 3 ": 1 ;" EXERCISE 2 ": 1 ;" EXERCISE 1 ": 1 ;" DISK ": 1 ;" CASSETTE ": 1 ;" You can read the contents of";: 1 ;" When you want to use a program you type in its name,the computer looks into the 1 ;" To allow the computer to find information easily,the disk's surface is divided up into concentric tracks. These are further divided into a number of sectors." 1 ;" The disk drive contains a motor which spins the disk at about 300 r.p.m." 1 ;" ROM "; 1 ;" RAM";: 1 ;" RAM ";: 1 ;" RAM ": 1 ;" It is a 1 ;" For instance if you are building up a basic system you can buy a cassette recorder fairly cheaply, or even use one that you already own." 1 ;" For example-You have built up a file on cassette and want to read the 60th item.Therefore you must wait while the tape plays past the first 59 items which precede it." 1 ;" Disks 1 ;" UNIT. ": 1 ;" R"; 1 ;" CASSETTE ";: 1 ;" " 1 ;" " 1 0 1 ..KEY.PIC.. 1 ,and is able to find exactly where it is stored.Then it reads the program and executes it." 1 ++repeat+sub++ 1 ++SUB+SPACE++ 1 ***c.p.u.*** 1 ***T.V.*** 1 '" They are available on an increasing number of home computers." 1 "ymbolic ";: 1 "read and write memory","Memory is measured in ---------.","kilobytes" 1 "purpose ": 1 "nstruction ";: 1 "input","processing","memory","output" 1 "eginners ";: 1 "commands are in the form of words that we can recognise and quickly understand" 1 "cannot be added to, and the contents of ";: 1 "are lost when the power supply is disconnected, we need another form of memory or storage." 1 "The memory chips inside the computer handle --- types of memory.","two","The permanent memory is called ---.","rom","This stands for ---- ---- ------.","read only memory","The TEMPORARY memory is called ---.","ram","This stands for ------ ------ ------.","random access memory","But this is better described as ---- --- ----- ------." 1 "The heart of the system, where all the actual computing takes place,is called the ------- ---------- ----.","central processing unit","C.P.U's use a language called ------- ----.","machine code","Most home computer users program in a language called -----.","basic","A device called the ----- ----------- acts as a translator between the 2 languages.","basic interpreter" 1 "The first method of external storage discussed was via --------.","cassette","A faster and more reliable method of external storage is via ----. ","disk" 1 "The computer is able to ----------- a disk to find unused sections automatically.","interrogate","----- load and save programs much faster than tape. ","disks" 1 "PRINT,LIST,RUN,GOTO etc" 1 "Input through the--------.","keyboard","Processing through a chip in the computer called the ------- ---------- ----.","central processing unit","Memory through the ------ -----. ","memory chips","Output through the ---------- ------. ","television screen" 1 "In all areas programs are saved and loaded much more reliably using a ---- system.","disk" 1 "If a tape head is worn or dirty this is likely to produce ------- ------.","loading errors","If the ------ is too high or too low,loading errors will occur. ","volume" 1 "A way of storing programs we may want to use again at a later date.": 1 "----- overcome the problems associated with tape-based storage systems. ","disks","The contents of the disk are recorded in the ---------. ","directory" 1 " you cannot add new contents to it." 1 " is exactly what its name suggests.You can only read the contents of";: 1 " TO REPEAT" 1 " TO CONTINUE." 1 " i.e.";: 1 " e.g. ";: 1 " Using almost any standard cassette recorder you can store programs on tape." 1 " The disk is made of plastic material,coated with a magnetic oxide,then sealed in a protective sleeve." 1 " The computer keeps a record of everything saved on the disk in tracks reserved for the 1 " The computer is also able to 1 " The cassette system only allows 1 " Relate these 4 stages to the standard components of a Home Computer system." 1 " Memory is measured in 1 " It works in the following way-" 1 " It is a ";: 1 " In all areas,programs are saved and loaded more reliably using a disk system." 1 " However, make sure that the cassette recorder you decide to use has a microphone input and an earpiece output." 1 " However since the contents of ";: 1 " BASIC ";: 1 " As soon as you turn off the power supply the contents of ";: 1 " An arm carrying a read/write head is moved,under computer control,back and forth across the disk's surface." 1 " ROM";: 1 understood by the C.P.U." 1 understood by the user." 1 to data." 1 the program back into the computer the operation is reversed.The audio tones are converted back into the signals that the computer understands." 1 that you will encounter are" 1 setting is also crucial.If it is too high, or too low,loading errors will occur." 1 of contents." 1 much faster than tape.A program taking 30 minutes to load from tape would be loaded almost instantly from disk." 1 memory.": 1 is built into nearly all home computers": 1 is a program stored in "; 1 inside the computer handle 2 types of memory:": 1 commands it translates them into the 1 are translated back into the 1 a program on tape,special circuits convert the signals that the computer understands into audio tones.These can be recorded onto tape in the same way as music." 1 a disk to find unused sections instantly." 1 1984 EXPRESS MARKETING LTD" 1